S/N | Code | Explanation | Exchange Rate | Ref No | Account | Debit | Credit | Date |
1 | 230517 | GTB Olaolu Michael Gbamola Being Cost of 200 pieces of Welcosil P1 back sticker and 216 pieces of Biocide Topside 1 Long sticker on 100924 | 1.00 | Online | 70000-EL-Industrial Products | 79,200.00 | 0.00 | 2024-09-16 |
2 | 230517 | GTB Olaolu Michael Gbamola Being Cost of 200 pieces of Welcosil P1 back sticker and 216 pieces of Biocide Topside 1 Long sticker on 100924 | 1.00 | Online | Guaranty Trust Bank Plc | 0.00 | 79,200.00 | 2024-09-16 |